Professional photographer in Luxembourg

Category Luxembourg

International Celtic Festival

celtic festival luxembourg

This weekend, we went to the International Celtic Festival Bealtaine, in Neihaischen, near Schuttrange, Luxembourg. It’s not the first time we visit it, as the festival reached its 8th edition this year, but this time I also took some photos:…

Luxembourg Science Center

Luxembourg Science Center

Recently, I took the kids to Luxembourg Science Center, in Differdange. I didn’t know about this place but, as I learned, it’s a great science and discovery center for everyone, kids or grown-ups!   I really liked the fact that…

Christmas in Luxembourg

Oh boy, oh boy, is that time of the year again, when Christmas comes to Luxembourg city! For those who haven’t lived here for long, let me tell you: besides spring, summer and autumn, winter is the best place to…


Schueberfouer Luxembourg

Schueberfouer has been around for almost 700 years. In 2017, it will be its 677th edition, between August 23rd and September 11th. It’s the biggest and oldest funfair in Luxembourg and some say it’s the oldest in the world, although…

Sënnesräich Park in Lullange

Park Sennesraich in Lullange

This past weekend, we had some family fun at Sënnesräich Park in Lullange. Have you visited  this place yet? It’s great! The kids were delighted by the playground and the green labyrinth. The garden is open every day: While the park…

Art on Rue Philippe II

rue philippe II luxembourg city

I saw a few installations on Rue Philippe II in Luxembourg City over the past years, but I never had the curiosity to learn about them. This month however, I got intrigued by the futuristic and rather unusual installation and…